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10000-15000元 珠海金湾区 应届毕业生 本科
中海福陆重工有限公司 2024-08-25 21:50:52
10000-15000元 珠海金湾区 应届毕业生 本科
中海福陆重工有限公司 2024-08-25 21:50:52
1、在专业主管领导下工作,负责制定浮体建造施工工艺手册、试验程序的编制与审核、执行工艺专业的设计工作,保证项目计划按时完成。 Under the leadership of the professional supervisor, he is responsible for formulating the floating body construction process manual, compiling and reviewing the test procedures, and implementing the design work of the process to ensure that the project plan is completed on time. 2、负责制定浮体建造施工工艺手册,包括分段划分、船体建造各阶段的公差余量及补偿量加放数据,船体建造反变形措施等; Responsible for formulating the construction technology manual for floating body construction, including segment division, tolerance margin and compensation data for each stage of hull construction, anti-deformation measures for hull construction, etc.; 3、负责试验程序的编制与审核,包括倾斜试验、系泊试验、结构试验等; Responsible for the preparation and review of test procedures, including inclination test, mooring test, structural test, etc.; 4、据项目要求准备和审核关键项目文件,执行工艺专业的设计工作并满足客户要求; Prepare and review key project documents according to project requirements, perform process professional design work and meet customer requirements; 5、负责指导、培训、检查、考核团队员工的工作,积极发挥带头作用; Responsible for guiding, training, inspecting and assessing the work of team employees, and actively play a leading role; 6、负责与业主、船级社、船检、其他专业的同事,分包商或顾问配合,就技术方案和设计解决方案等进行沟通协调,以实现项目成功交付,保证项目计划。 Responsible for cooperating with the owner, classification society, ship surveyor, colleagues from other professions, subcontractors or consultants to communicate and coordinate on technical solutions and design solutions to achieve successful project delivery and ensure project planning. 7、完成领导安排的其他工作 Complete the temporary work assigned . 岗位要求: 1、大学本科及以上 Bachelor or above 2、船舶工程、海洋工程等相关专业 Major in ship engineering, marine engineering and other related majors. 掌握各种建造工艺标准规范,精通所在专业相关知识和技能,熟悉其他专业相关知识。 Master various construction process standards and specifications, Proficient in major discipline knowledge and skills, familiar with the knowledge of other related disciplines. 3、10年以上海洋工程船体建造从业经验;具有船体建造工艺设计及施工业绩;具备中级工程师以上资格。有DNV/CCS船级社入级建造工艺经验,掌握船体建造工艺规划及管理,能够编制船体建造施工工艺手册,重点掌握船体建造各阶段的公差余量及补偿量加放数据,掌握船体建造反变形措施并有应用经验,有丰富的建造现场经验。More than 10 years of experience in marine engineering hull construction; It has the performance of hull construction process design and construction; Intermediate engineer or above. Have DNV/CCS classification society classification construction technology experience, master hull construction process planning and management, be able to compile hull construction technology manual, focus on mastering the tolerance margin and compensation data of each stage of hull construction, master the anti-deformation measures of hull construction and have application experience, and have rich experience in construction site. 4、精通试验程序的编制与审核,重点倾斜试验、系泊试验、结构试验等; 英文听说读写,英文可以作为日常办公语言 ,进行有效沟通; 能够熟练运用各种工艺设计及各种办公软件,进行相关文件的编辑、整理、汇报和统计工作。 Proficient in the preparation and review of test procedures, focusing on tilt test, mooring test, structural test, etc.; English listening, speaking, reading and writing, English can be used as a daily office language for effective communication; Be able to skillfully use various process design and various office software to edit, sort, report and count relevant documents.
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